Claims forms and settlement
in case of accident with a vehicle with


PG ZZ990

You can submit your claim for competent processing to the National Insurer's Office of Montenegro, electronically, by mail or directly...

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Be sure to enter the entire number of the green card, that is, Country (international designation for the country from which the vehicle comes)/Insurer (numerical code) / Number (number of the green card);

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You can submit your compensation claim to the National Bureau of Insurers of Montenegro or one of our insurance companies, which will receive it and forward it to the National Bureau of Insurers for competent resolution.

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vrši obradu, obračun, isplatu šteta i naplatu regresnih zahtjeva po isplaćenim štetama po osnovu: - međunarodnih sporazuma o obaveznim osiguranjima u saobraćaju nastalim u zemlji i inostranstvu (zelena karta), - neosiguranih motornih i priključnih vozila i putnika u javnom saobraćaju, vazduhoplova i plovnih objekata, - zbog smrti, povrede tijela ili narušavanja zdravlja prouzrokovane upotrebom nepoznatog motornog vozila, vazduhoplova, plovnog objekta ili drugog prevoznog sredstva; - zahtjeva oštećenih lica koja nijesu štetu mogla naplatiti zbog prestanka rada društva za osiguranje kod koga su bila osigurana;